The menu for the Render Script (Definition File) property on the Scripted 3Delight renderer is constructed from the folder structure that resides within the “./resources/Scripted Renderer” directory of the application home path. The items in the menu, be they represented as a click-able action or as a submenu, are each created from the names of the folders.
.Below is an example demonstrating how you can obtain a list of the definition files that are accessible in the Render Settings pane from the menu(s) of the Render Script property when the Render Engine is set to Scripted 3Delight.
// Define an anonymous function; // serves as our main loop, // limits the scope of variables (function(){ /*********************************************************************/ // Array<String> : A function for recursively collecting the paths of // definition files that can be accessed from the Render Scripts property // of the Scripted 3Delight renderer function scriptedRendererScriptRecurse( sPath ) { // Create a directory object for the 'current' path var oDir = new DzDir( sPath ); // Get a list of names for directories in 'this' directory var aDirNames = oDir.entryList( "*", DzDir.Dirs | DzDir.NoSymLinks | DzDir.NoDotAndDotDot, DzDir.Name ); // Get the number of names found var nDirs = aDirNames.length; // If there are no subdirectories if( nDirs == 0 ){ // Create a script object var oScript = new DzScript(); // Construct the base path of the script we want var sBasePath = String("%1/%2") .arg( oDir.path() ).arg( oDir.dirName() ); // Get the path of our definition script. Doing it this way, // we can find an ascii file or a binary [encrypted] file // without having to manually handle the file extensions. var sScript = oScript.getScriptFile( sBasePath ); // If a script was not found if( sScript == sBasePath ){ // We are done... return [] } // Return the path of a script that can be accessed return [ sScript ]; } // Initialize an array for collecting as we recurse var aDefinitionScripts = []; // Declare working variables var sDirName; var sSubPath; // Iterate over the directory names for( var i = 0; i < nDirs; i += 1 ){ // Get the 'current' name sDirName = aDirNames[ i ]; // Construct the path of the subdirectory sSubPath = String("%1/%2").arg( oDir.path() ).arg( sDirName ); // Recurse and append any additional scripts we find aDefinitionScripts = aDefinitionScripts.concat( scriptedRendererScriptRecurse( sSubPath ) ); } // Return the collected scripts return aDefinitionScripts; }; /*********************************************************************/ // Array<String> : A function for collecting the paths of definition files // that can be accessed from the Render Scripts property of the Scripted // 3Delight renderer function scriptedRendererDefinitionScripts() { // Construct the base path for definition files var sBasePath = String("%1/Scripted Renderer").arg( App.getResourcesPath() ); // Recurse the path and return the results return scriptedRendererScriptRecurse( sBasePath ); }; /*********************************************************************/ // Provide feedback to the console/log print( scriptedRendererDefinitionScripts().join("\n") ); // Finalize the function and invoke })();