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Custom script-able 3Delight renderer.


Inherits :


DAZ Script
DzScriptedRenderer ()


DAZ Script
voidbuildEnvironmentSpaceTransform ()
voidcameraProject ( DzCamera camera, Number width, Number height )
BooleancontinueAfterPreProcess ()
voidcreateLight ( DzLight light, String shadowMap )
voiddeleteFiles ( Array files )
voiddoDefaultDisplay ()
StringdoDefaultShadowPass ( DzRenderOptions options, DzCamera camera, DzLight light, String dir, Boolean reuse )
ArraydoDefaultShadowPass ( DzRenderOptions options, DzCamera camera, String dir, Boolean reuse )
voiddoDefaultShadowPassEnd ( DzRenderOptions options, DzCamera camera, DzLight light )
StringdoDefaultShadowPassPrep ( DzRenderOptions options, DzCamera camera, DzLight light, String dir, Boolean reuse )
voiddoShutter ( DzRenderOptions opts )
voidfullSceneCameraProject ( DzCamera camera, Number width, Number height )
StringgetDefaultShaderSearchPath ()
StringgetDefinitionFile ()
StringgetDisplacementPreProcessScript ()
DzRenderHandlergetHandler ()
DzLightgetLight ( Number index )
NumbergetLightCount ()
StringgetLightPreProcessScript ()
ArraygetLightsToRender ()
DzNodegetNode ( Number index )
NumbergetNodeCount ()
ArraygetNodesToRender ()
NumbergetNumIlluminateHandels ()
DzElementgetPropertyHolder ()
StringgetRenderScript ()
StringgetSurfacePreProcessScript ()
voidprepareMotionSamples ()
voidprepareMotionSamples ( Array nodes )
voidprepareNodeMotionSamples ( DzNode node )
voidremoveLight ( Number index )
voidremoveNode ( Number index )
voidrenderBackDrop ( DzBackdrop backdrop, Number width, Number height )
voidrenderNode ( DzNode node )
voidrenderNodes ( Array nodes )
NumberriAreaLightSource ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriAtmosphere ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriAttribute ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriAttributeBegin ()
voidriAttributeEnd ()
voidriBegin ( String ribPath )
voidriCamera ( String camera, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriClipping ( Number hither, Number yon )
voidriClippingPlane ( Number x, Number y, Number z, Number nx, Number ny, Number nz )
voidriColor ( Color Cs )
voidriConcatTransform ( DzMatrix4 transform )
voidriCoordinateSystem ( String space )
voidriCoordSysTransform ( String space )
voidriCropWindow ( Number xmin, Number xmax, Number ymin, Number ymax )
voidriDeclare ( String name, String declaration )
voidriDepthOfField ( Number fstop, Number focallength, Number focaldistance )
voidriDetailRange ( Number minvis, Number lowtran, Number uptran, Number maxvis )
voidriDisplacement ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriDisplay ( String name, String type, String mode, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriDisplayChannel ( String channel, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriElse ()
voidriElseIf ( String expression, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriEndWorld ( String message )
voidriExposure ( Number gain, Number gamma )
voidriExterior ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriFormat ( Number xres, Number yres, Number aspect )
voidriFrameAspectRatio ( Number aspect )
voidriGeometricApproximation ( String type, Number value )
voidriHider ( String type, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriIdentity ()
voidriIfBegin ( String expression, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriIfEnd ()
voidriIlluminate ( Number light, Boolean onOff )
voidriImager ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriInterior ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
NumberriLightSource ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriMakeBump ( String pic, String tex, String swrap, String twrap, Number filterType, Number swidth, Number twidth, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriMakeCubeFaceEnvironment ( String px, String nx, String py, String ny, String pz, String nz, String tex, Number fov, Number filterType, Number swidth, Number twidth, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriMakeLatLongEnvironment ( String pic, String tex, Number filterType, Number swidth, Number twidth, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriMakeShadow ( String pic, String tex, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriMakeTexture ( String pic, String tex, String swrap, String twrap, Number filterType, Number swidth, Number twidth, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriMatte ( Boolean onoff )
voidriMultiplyShadingRate ( Number ratemultiplier )
voidriOpacity ( Color Os )
voidriOption ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriOrientation ( String orientation )
voidriPerspective ( Number fov )
voidriPixelFilter ( Number filterType, Number xwidth, Number ywidth )
voidriPixelSamples ( Number xsamples, Number ysamples )
voidriPixelVariance ( Number variation )
voidriProjection ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriQuantize ( String type, Number one, Number qmin, Number qmax, Number ampl )
voidriRelativeDetail ( Number relativedetail )
voidriReverseOrientation ()
voidriRotate ( Number angle, Number dx, Number dy, Number dz )
voidriScale ( Number dx, Number dy, Number dz )
voidriScopedCoordinateSystem ( String space )
voidriScreenWindow ( Number left, Number right, Number bot, Number top )
voidriShader ( String name, String handle, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriShadingInterpolation ( String type )
voidriShadingRate ( Number size )
voidriShutter ( Number smin, Number smax )
voidriSides ( Number nsides )
voidriSkew ( Number angle, Number dx1, Number dy1, Number dz1, Number dx2, Number dy2, Number dz2 )
voidriSurface ( String name, Array tokens, Array params )
voidriTransform ( DzMatrix4 transform )
voidriTransformBegin ()
voidriTransformEnd ()
voidriTranslate ( Number dx, Number dy, Number dz )
voidriWorldBegin ()
voidsetBackgroundColor ( Color color )
voidsetCleanUpScript ( String filename )
voidsetContinueAfterPreProcess ( Boolean shouldContinue )
voidsetCropWindow ( DzRenderHandler handler )
voidsetDefinitionFile ( String definitionFile )
voidsetDisplacementPreProcessScript ( String filename )
voidsetIsShadowPass ( Boolean onOff )
voidsetLightPreProcessScript ( String filename )
BooleansetModeBiased ( Boolean yesNo )
BooleansetModeDefaultMaterialClassname ( String classname )
BooleansetModePhysicallyBased ( Boolean yesNo )
BooleansetModeSupportsAdvancedCamera ( Boolean yesNo )
BooleansetModeSupportsCameraBlades ( Boolean yesNo )
voidsetRenderScript ( String filename )
voidsetSurfacePreProcessScript ( String filename )


Detailed Description

Implements a script-able RenderMan interface for the scene to render itself through the 3Delight renderer.

See Also:


  • This class is only available as a component of DAZ Studio Advanced Edition.



Default Constructor.


void : buildEnvironmentSpaceTransform()

Builds an environment space transform that can be used by shaders to account for differences between the application and the 3Delight render engine.



void : cameraProject( DzCamera camera, Number width, Number height )

Sets up the camera for the pass.


  • camera - The camera to use.
  • width - The width of the render.
  • height - The height of the render.

Boolean : continueAfterPreProcess()

Return Value:

  • true if the renderer should use the call to RiSurface, RiDisplace, RiLight, or RiAreaLight, otherwise false.

void : createLight( DzLight light, String shadowMap )

Creates a light in the stream.


  • light - The light to create.
  • shadowMap - The shadow map for the light.

void : deleteFiles( Array files )

Deletes a list of files.


  • files - A list of the file paths to delete.

void : doDefaultDisplay()

Causes the renderer to call the same display as the standard 3Delight renderer.

String : doDefaultShadowPass( DzRenderOptions options, DzCamera camera, DzLight light, String dir, Boolean reuse )


  • options - The render options for the shadow maps.
  • camera - The camera to use for the shadow pass.
  • light - The light to generate shadow map for.
  • dir - The directory to generate the shadow map in.
  • reuse - If true and a shadow map already exists, it is reused.

Return Value:

  • The name of the generated shadow map.

Array : doDefaultShadowPass( DzRenderOptions options, DzCamera camera, String dir, Boolean reuse )


  • options - The render options for the shadow maps.
  • camera - The camera to generate the shadow map for.
  • dir - The directory to generate the shadow maps in.
  • reuse - If true and a shadow map exists by the the same label of a light exists, the shadow map is reused instead of being generated.

Return Value:

  • The list of names for the generated shadow maps.

void : doDefaultShadowPassEnd( DzRenderOptions options, DzCamera camera, DzLight light )

Cleans up after doDefaultShadowPassPrep().


  • options - The render options for the pass.
  • camera - The camera for the shadow pass.
  • light - The light the shadow map was generated for.


String : doDefaultShadowPassPrep( DzRenderOptions options, DzCamera camera, DzLight light, String dir, Boolean reuse )


  • options - The render options for the pass.
  • camera - The camera for the shadow pass.
  • light - The light to generate shadow map for.
  • dir - The directory to put the shadow map in.
  • reuse - If true and the map already exists, it is reused.

Return Value:

  • The name of the shadow map for the light.


void : doShutter( DzRenderOptions opts )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiShutter() function.


  • opts - The render options for the shutter; whether or not motion blur is enabled and the amount of blur if enabled.

void : fullSceneCameraProject( DzCamera camera, Number width, Number height )

Sets up the camera for the pass, ensuring all render-able objects are in view.


  • camera - The camera to use.
  • width - The width of the render.
  • height - The height of the render.

String : getDefaultShaderSearchPath()

Return Value:

  • The default search path for shaders and DSO shadeops, as a string in the format expected by 3Delight (which is mostly a list of paths separated by semicolons). The getShaderSearchPaths() method is called to get the list of paths to use.

String : getDefinitionFile()

Return Value:

  • The path to the script that is run in order to define the renderer.

String : getDisplacementPreProcessScript()

Return Value:

  • The path to the script that is run in the Displacement pre-process step.

DzRenderHandler : getHandler()

Return Value:

  • The current render handler (if any), otherwise NULL.


  • This call is only valid during a render.

DzLight : getLight( Number index )


  • index - The index of the light to get.

Return Value:

  • The light in the render list at index (if valid), otherwise NULL.

Number : getLightCount()

Return Value:

  • The number of lights to render.

String : getLightPreProcessScript()

Return Value:

  • The path to the script that is run in the Light pre-process step.

Array : getLightsToRender()

Return Value:

  • The list of lights to render.

DzNode : getNode( Number index )


  • index - The index of the node to get.

Return Value:

  • The node in the render list at index (if valid), otherwise NULL.

Number : getNodeCount()

Return Value:

  • The number of nodes to render.

Array : getNodesToRender()

Return Value:

  • The list of nodes to render.

Number : getNumIlluminateHandels()

Return Value:

  • The number of light handles.


  • These handles are used in the riIlluminate() call to turn lights on/off.

DzElement : getPropertyHolder()

Return Value:

  • The element that holds the properties for this scripted render pass.


  • When applying a new pass to the renderer, the properties on this element should be cleared and the properties to use during the render pass should be added.

String : getRenderScript()

Return Value:

  • The path of the script that controls the rendering process.

String : getSurfacePreProcessScript()

Return Value:

  • The path to the script that is run in the Surface pre-process step.

void : prepareMotionSamples()

Prepares motion samples for all nodes to render.

void : prepareMotionSamples( Array nodes )

Prepares motion samples for a list of nodes.


  • nodes - The list of nodes to prepare motion samples for.

void : prepareNodeMotionSamples( DzNode node )

Prepares motion samples for node.


  • node - The node to prepare motion samples for.

void : removeLight( Number index )

Removes a light from the render list.


  • index - The index of the light to remove.

void : removeNode( Number index )

Removes a node from the render list.


  • index - The index of the node to remove.

void : renderBackDrop( DzBackdrop backdrop, Number width, Number height )

Renders the backdrop for the scene.


  • backdrop - The backdrop for the scene.
  • width - The width of the render.
  • height - The height of the render.

void : renderNode( DzNode node )

Adds a node to the list of nodes to be rendered.


  • node - The node to render.

void : renderNodes( Array nodes )

Adds a node to the list of nodes to be rendered.


  • nodes - The list of nodes to render.

Number : riAreaLightSource( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiAreaLightSource() function.


  • name - The name of the light shader.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

Return Value:

  • The light handle index for this light source

void : riAtmosphere( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiAtmosphere() function.


  • name - The name of the volume shader.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riAttribute( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiAttribute() function.


  • name - The name of the attribute to set.
  • tokens - A list of parameter names for the attribute.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riAttributeBegin()

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiAttributeBegin() function.

void : riAttributeEnd()

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiAttributeEnd() function.

void : riBegin( String ribPath )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiBegin() function.


  • ribPath -

void : riCamera( String camera, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiCamera() function.


  • camera - The name of the camera.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the camera.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riClipping( Number hither, Number yon )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiClipping() function.


  • hither -
  • yon -

void : riClippingPlane( Number x, Number y, Number z, Number nx, Number ny, Number nz )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiClipping() function.


  • x -
  • y -
  • z -
  • nx -
  • ny -
  • nz -

void : riColor( Color Cs )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiColor() function.


  • Cs - The color to set.

void : riConcatTransform( DzMatrix4 transform )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiConcatTransform() function.


  • transform - The transform to concatenate.

void : riCoordinateSystem( String space )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiCoordinateSystem() function.


  • space - The name for the coordinate system.

void : riCoordSysTransform( String space )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiCoordSysTransform() function.


  • space - The name for the coordinate system.

void : riCropWindow( Number xmin, Number xmax, Number ymin, Number ymax )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiCropWindow() function.


  • xmin -
  • xmax -
  • ymin -
  • ymax -

void : riDeclare( String name, String declaration )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiDeclare() function.


  • name -
  • declaration -

void : riDepthOfField( Number fstop, Number focallength, Number focaldistance )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiDepthOfField() function.


  • fstop -
  • focallength -
  • focaldistance -

void : riDetailRange( Number minvis, Number lowtran, Number uptran, Number maxvis )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiDetailRange() function.


  • minvis -
  • lowtran -
  • uptran -
  • maxvis -

void : riDisplacement( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiDisplacement() function.


  • name - The name of the displacement shader.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riDisplay( String name, String type, String mode, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiDisplay() function.


  • name - The name of the display.
  • type - The type of the display.
  • mode - The mode of the display.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the display.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riDisplayChannel( String channel, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiDisplayChannel() function.


  • name - The name of the channel.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the channel.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riElse()

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiElse() function.

void : riElseIf( String expression, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiElseIf() function.


  • expression - The expression for the condition.
  • tokens - A list of token names.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riEndWorld( String message )

Attempts to finish the render.


  • message - The message to display in the progress dialog.

void : riExposure( Number gain, Number gamma )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiExposure() function.


  • gain - The gain value to set.
  • gamma - The gamma value to set.

void : riExterior( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiExterior() function.


  • name - The name of the volume shader.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riFormat( Number xres, Number yres, Number aspect )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiFormat() function.


  • xres - The horizontal resolution of the image.
  • yres - The vertical resolution of the image.
  • aspect - The ratio of the width to the height of a single pixel.

void : riFrameAspectRatio( Number aspect )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiFrameAspectRatio() function.


  • aspect - The ratio of the width to the height of the desired image.

void : riGeometricApproximation( String type, Number value )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiGeometricApproximation() function.


  • type -
  • value -

void : riHider( String type, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiHider() function.


  • type - The type of the hider.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the hider.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riIdentity()

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiIdentity() function.

void : riIfBegin( String expression, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiIfBegin() function.


  • expression - The expression for the condition.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riIfEnd()

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiIfEnd() function.

void : riIlluminate( Number light, Boolean onOff )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiIlluminate() function.


  • light - The index of the light in the list.
  • onOff - If true, adds the light to the list. If false, removes the light from the list.

void : riImager( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiImager() function.


  • name - The name of the imager shader.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riInterior( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiInterior() function.


  • name - The name of the volume shader.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

Number : riLightSource( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiLightSource() function.


  • name - The name of the light shader.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

Return Value:

  • The light handle index for this light source

void : riMakeBump( String pic, String tex, String swrap, String twrap, Number filterType, Number swidth, Number twidth, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiMakeBump() function.


  • pic -
  • tex -
  • swrap -
  • twrap -
  • filterType -
  • swidth -
  • twidth -
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riMakeCubeFaceEnvironment( String px, String nx, String py, String ny, String pz, String nz, String tex, Number fov, Number filterType, Number swidth, Number twidth, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiMakeCubeFaceEnvironment() function.


  • px -
  • nx -
  • py -
  • ny -
  • pz -
  • nz -
  • tex -
  • fov -
  • filterType -
  • swidth -
  • twidth -
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riMakeLatLongEnvironment( String pic, String tex, Number filterType, Number swidth, Number twidth, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiMakeLatLongEnvironment() function.


  • pic -
  • tex -
  • filterType -
  • swidth -
  • twidth -
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riMakeShadow( String pic, String tex, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiMakeShadow() function.


  • pic -
  • tex -
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riMakeTexture( String pic, String tex, String swrap, String twrap, Number filterType, Number swidth, Number twidth, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiMakeTexture() function.


  • pic -
  • tex -
  • swrap -
  • twrap -
  • filterType -
  • swidth -
  • twidth -
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riMatte( Boolean onoff )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiMatte() function.


  • onOff -

void : riMultiplyShadingRate( Number ratemultiplier )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiMultiplyShadingRate() function.


  • ratemultiplier -

void : riOpacity( Color Os )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiOpacity() function.


  • Os - The color to set.

void : riOption( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiOption() function.


  • type - The name of the option.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the option.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riOrientation( String orientation )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiOrientation() function.


  • orientation -

void : riPerspective( Number fov )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiPerspective() function.


  • fov - The full horizontal field of view angle.

void : riPixelFilter( Number filterType, Number xwidth, Number ywidth )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiPixelFilter() function.


  • filterType -
  • xwidth -
  • ywidth -

void : riPixelSamples( Number xsamples, Number ysamples )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiPixelSamples() function.


  • xsamples -
  • ysamples -

void : riPixelVariance( Number variation )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiPixelVariance() function.


  • variation -

void : riProjection( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiProjection() function.


  • name - The name of the projection.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the projection.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riQuantize( String type, Number one, Number qmin, Number qmax, Number ampl )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiWQuantize() function.


  • type -
  • one -
  • qmin -
  • qmax -
  • ampl -

void : riRelativeDetail( Number relativedetail )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiRelativeDetail() function.


  • relativedetail -

void : riReverseOrientation()

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiReverseOrientation() function.

void : riRotate( Number angle, Number dx, Number dy, Number dz )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiRotate() function.


  • angle -
  • dx -
  • dy -
  • dz -

void : riScale( Number dx, Number dy, Number dz )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiScale() function.


  • dx -
  • dy -
  • dz -

void : riScopedCoordinateSystem( String space )

Script implementation of the RiSpec DDiScopedCoordinateSystem() function.


  • space - The name for the coordinate system.

void : riScreenWindow( Number left, Number right, Number bot, Number top )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiScreenWindow() function.


  • left -
  • right -
  • bot -
  • top -

void : riShader( String name, String handle, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiShader() function.


  • name - The name of the shader.
  • handle -
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riShadingInterpolation( String type )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiShadingInterpolation() function.


  • type -

void : riShadingRate( Number size )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiShadingRate() function.


  • size -

void : riShutter( Number smin, Number smax )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiShutter() function.


  • smin -
  • smax -

void : riSides( Number nsides )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiSides() function.


  • nsides -

void : riSkew( Number angle, Number dx1, Number dy1, Number dz1, Number dx2, Number dy2, Number dz2 )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiSkew() function.


  • angle -
  • dx1 -
  • dy1 -
  • dz1 -
  • dx2 -
  • dy2 -
  • dz2 -

void : riSurface( String name, Array tokens, Array params )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiSurface() function.


  • name - The name of the surface shader.
  • tokens - A list of token names passed to the shader.
  • params - A list of corresponding values for tokens.

void : riTransform( DzMatrix4 transform )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiTransform() function.


  • transform - The transform to set.

void : riTransformBegin()

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiTransformBegin() function.

void : riTransformEnd()

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiTransformEnd() function.

void : riTranslate( Number dx, Number dy, Number dz )

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiTranslate() function.


  • dx -
  • dy -
  • dz -

void : riWorldBegin()

Script implementation of the RiSpec RiWorldBegin() function.

void : setBackgroundColor( Color color )

Sets the background color.


  • color - The color to set.

void : setCleanUpScript( String filename )

Sets the path of the script to be run when the script definition is called.


  • filename - The path of the script.


  • Global transient variables named Renderer that refers to the current DzRenderer, SurfaceName that refers to the name of the current surface, and Material that refers to the current DzMaterial, exist for the duration of filename. Referencing these variables from outside filename will result in an error.

void : setContinueAfterPreProcess( Boolean shouldContinue )

Sets whether or not the Ri call that launches a pre-process script should execute.


  • shouldContinue - If true, the ri* call will be executed. If false, the ri* call will not be executed.

void : setCropWindow( DzRenderHandler handler )

Sets the crop window from the handler for the render.


  • handler - The render handler to set.

void : setDefinitionFile( String definitionFile )

Sets the path of the script to run in order to define the renderer. Causes the renderer to be cleared, the cleanup script (if any) to be run and then the render script, clean up script, surface pre-process script, light pre-process script and displacement pre-process script to be cleared.


  • definitionFile - The path of the script to run.


  • filename is executed the moment the call to this method is made. A global transient variable named Renderer that referrs to the current DzRenderer, exists for the duration of filename. Referencing this variable from outside filename will result in an error.

void : setDisplacementPreProcessScript( String filename )

Sets the path of the script to be run before a material displacement is processed.


  • filename - The path of the script.


  • Global transient variables named Renderer that refers to the current DzRenderer, DisplacementName that refers to the name of the current displacement, and Material that refers to the current DzMaterial, exist for the duration of filename. Referencing these variables from outside filename will result in an error.

void : setIsShadowPass( Boolean onOff )

Set whether or not this is a shadow pass.


  • onOff - If true, this pass will be marked as a shadow pass.

void : setLightPreProcessScript( String filename )

Sets the path of the script to be run before riLightSource() and riAreaLightSource() are processed.


  • filename - The path of the script.


  • Global transient variables named Renderer that refers to the current DzRenderer, and LightName that refers to the name of the current DzLight, exist for the duration of filename. Referencing these variables from outside filename will result in an error.

Boolean : setModeBiased( Boolean yesNo )

Sets whether or not the renderer is biased in the current mode.



Boolean : setModeDefaultMaterialClassname( String classname )

TODO: Add description.

Boolean : setModePhysicallyBased( Boolean yesNo )

Sets whether or not the renderer is physically based in the current mode.



Boolean : setModeSupportsAdvancedCamera( Boolean yesNo )

Sets whether or not the renderer supports advance camera properties in the current mode.



Boolean : setModeSupportsCameraBlades( Boolean yesNo )

Sets whether or not the renderer supports blades on the camera in the current mode.



void : setRenderScript( String filename )

Sets the path of the script that controls the rendering process.


  • filename - The path of the script.


  • filename is executed the moment the call to this method is made. Global transient variables named Renderer that refers to the current DzRenderer, Camera that refers to the current DzCamera, BackDrop that refers to the current DzBackDrop, and RenderOptions that refers to the current DzRenderOptions, exist for the duration of filename. Referencing these variables from outside filename will result in an error.

void : setSurfacePreProcessScript( String filename )

Sets the path of the script to be run before riSurface is processed.


  • filename - The path of the script.


  • Global transient variables named Renderer that refers to the current DzRenderer, SurfaceName that refers to the name of the current surface, and Material that refers to the current DzMaterial, exist for the duration of filename. Referencing these variables from outside filename will result in an error.


void : defintionFileChanged()


Emitted when the definition file has changed.