User Tools

Site Tools

Main Window

Main Window


The Main Window is…

Parent Elements

Below is a list of interface elements that a Main Window can exist within:

Child Elements

Main Window Child Elements

Below is a list of interface elements that exist within the Main Window:

  • Busy Indicator - Provides visual feedback that the application is currently busy.
  • Refresh Button - Causes the lists on the pages in the Product Status area to be rebuilt from the data on disk.
  • Account Button - Causes the Account Window to be displayed, allowing you to switch between working online, working offline, switching to a different account or creating a new one.
  • Help Button - Causes the system default web browser to be opened to the Install Manager page.
  • Settings Button - Causes the Settings Window to be displayed, allowing you to manage accounts and folders that are used by the application.
  • Filter Field - Used to filter the lists of products in the Product Status area.
  • Product Status - Provides lists of products that you can download, install and/or uninstall from.