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Get Store Product Data


Below is an example demonstrating how to retrieve information about a product in the Daz 3D store.

API Areas of Interest


// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// String : A function for retrieving a translation if one exists
	function text( sText )
		// If the version of the application supports qsTr()
		if( typeof( qsTr ) != "undefined" ){
			// Return the translated (if any) text
			return qsTr( sText );
		// Return the original text
		return sText;
	// Boolean : A function for determining if an object has a named member
	function hasMember( oObject, sMember, sType )
		// Return whether or not the object has a function with the name
		return typeof( oObject[ sMember ] ) == sType;
	// Boolean : A function for determining if an object has a named function
	function hasFunction( oObject, sFunction )
		// Return whether or not the object has a function with the name
		return hasMember( oObject, sFunction, "function" );
	// Object : A function for retrieving product data for a given SKU
	function getProductDataFromStore( nIdx )
		// Create a http helper object
		var oHttp = new DzHttpHelper();
		// Use a secure connection for the request
		oHttp.setConnectionMode( "https" );
		// Set the host for the request
		oHttp.setHost( "" );
		// Set the path for the request
		oHttp.setPath( String("/dazApi/slab/%1").argInt( nIdx ) );
		// If the app version is older than
		if( App.version64 < 0x0004000f00000012 ){
			// Set the query string for the request to deal with
			// an initialization issue in earlier builds
			oHttp.setQueryString( "" );
		// Set the content type for the request
		oHttp.setContentType( "application/json" );
		// Set the method for the request
		oHttp.setRequestMethod( "GET" );
		// Perform a syncronous request and capture the response
		var bytesResponse = oHttp.doSynchronousRequest();
		// Get whether or not there were errors
		var sError = oHttp.getError();
		// Declare working variable
		var sResponse;
		// If there were no errors
		if( sError === "" ){
			// Convert the response to a string
			sResponse = hasFunction( bytesResponse, "convertToString" ) ?
				bytesResponse.convertToString() : String( bytesResponse );
			// If the response is not empty
			if( !sResponse.isEmpty() ){
				// Return the data parsed into an Object
				return JSON.parse( sResponse );
		// If there is an error
		} else {
			// Log it
			print( sError );
		// Return a "404" Object
		return {
			name: "404 - Not Found",
			id: nIdx,
			url: String( "/catalog/product/view/id/%1" ).argInt( nIdx )
	// String : A function for getting a product URL for a given SKU
	function getProductUrl( nIdx, bFriendly )
		// If we want the "friendly" URL
		if( bFriendly ){
			// Get the product data from the store
			var oProductData = getProductDataFromStore( nIdx );
			// Define the property that holds the data we want
			var sProperty = "url";
			// If the product data contains what we want
			if( oProductData.hasOwnProperty( sProperty ) ){
				// Return the URL
				return String( "" ).arg( oProductData[ sProperty ] );
		// Return the raw product URL
		return String( "" ).argInt( nIdx );
	// String : A function for getting and displaying product info for a given SKU
	function displayProductData( nIdx )
		// Get the product data from the store
		var oProductData = getProductDataFromStore( nIdx );
		// Create a basic dialog
		var wDlg = new DzBasicDialog();
		// Get the wrapped widget for the dialog
		var oDlgWgt = wDlg.getWidget();
		// Set the title of the dialog
		wDlg.caption = "Product Data";
		// Strip the space for a settings key
		var sKey = wDlg.caption.replace( / /g, "" ) + "Dlg";
		// Set an [unique] object name on the wrapped dialog widget;
		// this is used for recording position and size separately
		// from all other [uniquely named] DzBasicDialog instances
		oDlgWgt.objectName = sKey;
		// Initialize an array to collect lines
		var aLines = [];
		// Define the property that holds the data we want
		var sProperty = "name";
		// If the product data contains what we want
		if( oProductData.hasOwnProperty( sProperty ) ){
			// Append the information
			aLines.push( String("<b>Name:</b> %1")
					.arg( oProductData[ sProperty ] ) );
		// Define the property that holds the data we want
		sProperty = "id";
		// If the product data contains what we want
		if( oProductData.hasOwnProperty( sProperty ) ){
			// Append the information
			aLines.push( String("<b>SKU:</b> %1")
					.arg( oProductData[ sProperty ] ) );
		// Define the property that holds the data we want
		sProperty = "url";
		// If the product data contains what we want
		if( oProductData.hasOwnProperty( sProperty ) ){
			aLines.push( String("<b>URL:</b> " +
				"<a href=\"\"></a>")
					.arg( oProductData[ sProperty ] ) );
		// Define the property that holds the data we want
		sProperty = "price";
		// If the product data contains what we want
		if( oProductData.hasOwnProperty( sProperty ) ){
			// Append the information
			aLines.push( String("<b>Price:</b> $%1")
					.arg( oProductData[ sProperty ] ) );
		// Define the property that holds the data we want
		sProperty = "dazOriginal";
		// If the product data contains what we want
		if( oProductData.hasOwnProperty( sProperty ) ){
			// Append the information
			aLines.push( String("<b>Daz Original:</b> %1")
					.arg( oProductData[ sProperty ] ? "Yes" : "No" ) );
		// Define the property that holds the data we want
		sProperty = "platClub";
		// If the product data contains what we want
		if( oProductData.hasOwnProperty( sProperty ) ){
			// Append the information
			aLines.push( String("<b>Platinum Club:</b> %1")
					.arg( oProductData[ sProperty ] ? "Yes" : "No" ) );
		// Initialize working variables
		var bBytesBase64 = false;
		var bHasImage = false;
		// Define the property that holds the data we want
		sProperty = "image";
		// If the product data contains what we want
		if( oProductData.hasOwnProperty( sProperty ) ){
			// Get the base64 encoded image data
			var bytesData = new ByteArray( oProductData[ sProperty ] );
			// If the API for handling Base64 data in a ByteArray exists
			if( typeof( bytesData.fromBase64 ) != "undefined" ){
				// Update our flag
				bBytesBase64 = true;
				// Create a pixmap for the image
				var pixProduct = new Pixmap();
				// Load the image data into the pixmap
				pixProduct.loadFromData( bytesData.fromBase64( bytesData ), "JPG" );
				// Create a label and assign the pixmap
				wLabel = new DzLabel( wDlg );
				wLabel.pixmap = pixProduct;
				// Add the label to the dialog
				wDlg.addWidget( wLabel );
			// If the API for handling Base64 data in a ByteArray does not exist
			} else {
				// Prepend a base64 encoded html image resource
				aLines.unshift( String("<img src=\"data:image/jpg;base64,%1\">" )
							.arg( oProductData[ sProperty ] ) );
				// Update our flag
				bHasImage = true;
		// If we had any of the data we were looking for
		if( aLines.length > 0 ){
			// Create a text browser
			var wBrowser = new DzTextBrowser( wDlg );
			// Set the text interaction flags
			wBrowser.textInteractionFlags = DzWidget.TextBrowserInteraction;
			// We want to ba able to click hyperlinks
			wBrowser.openExternalLinks = true;
			// Define the height of a line
			var nLineHeight = 18;
			// If we do not have the Base64 support on ByteArray
			if( !bBytesBase64 && bHasImage ){
				// Set the html contents
				wBrowser.html = String("<html><body>%1<ul><li>%2</li></ul></body></html>")
							.arg( aLines.shift() )
							.arg( aLines.join( "</li><li>" ) );
				// Set the minimum height of the widget
				wBrowser.minHeight = 494 + (wBrowser.lineCount * nLineHeight);
			// If we do have the Base64 support on ByteArray
			} else {
				// Set the html contents
				wBrowser.html = String("<html><body><ul><li>%1</li></ul></body></html>")
							.arg( aLines.join( "</li><li>" ) );
				// Set the minimum height of the widget
				wBrowser.minHeight = wBrowser.lineCount * nLineHeight;
			// Set the minimum width of the widget
			wBrowser.minWidth = 380;
			// Add the widget to the dialog
			wDlg.addWidget( wBrowser );
		// Get the minimum size of the dialog
		var sizeHint = oDlgWgt.minimumSizeHint;
		// Set the fixed size of the dialog
		wDlg.setFixedSize( sizeHint.width, sizeHint.height );
		// Set the text on the accept button
		wDlg.setAcceptButtonText( text( "&Close" ) );
		// Hide the cancel button
		wDlg.showCancelButton( false );
		// Display the dialog
	//print( getProductUrl( 43679, false ) );
	//print( JSON.stringify( getProductDataFromStore( 43679 ), null, "\t" ) );
	displayProductData( 43679 );
// Finalize the function and invoke