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Deep Copy


Below is an example demonstrating a deep copy of one material to another.

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// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// Boolean : A function to [deep] copy a material from source to target
	function deepCopyMaterial( oSrcNode, sSrcMaterial, oTgtNode, sTgtMaterial ){
		// If we don't have source and target information
		if( !oSrcNode || !oTgtNode || sSrcMaterial.isEmpty() || sTgtMaterial.isEmpty() ){
			// We're done...
			return false;
		// Get the objects
		var oSrcObject = oSrcNode.getObject();
		var oTgtObject = oTgtNode.getObject();
		// If we don't have both objects
		if( !oSrcObject || !oTgtObject ){
			// We're done...
			return false;
		// Get the current shapes
		var oSrcShape = oSrcObject.getCurrentShape();
		var oTgtShape = oTgtObject.getCurrentShape();
		// If we don't have both shapes
		if( !oSrcShape || !oTgtShape ){
			// We're done...
			return false;
		// Get the materials
		var oSrcMaterial = oSrcShape.findMaterial( sSrcMaterial );
		var oTgtMaterial = oTgtShape.findMaterial( sTgtMaterial );
		// If we didn't find both materials
		if( !oSrcMaterial || !oTgtMaterial ){
			// We're done...
			return false;
		// Create an element duplication context
		var oContext = new DzElementDuplicateContext();
		// Duplicate the material
		var oDupeMaterial = oSrcMaterial.doDuplicateElement( oContext );
		// Set the name of the duplicate to the name of the target =;
		// Set the label of the duplicate to the label of the target
		oDupeMaterial.setLabel( oTgtMaterial.getLabel() );
		// If the duplicate material classname and the source material
		// classname do not match and the duplicate material inherits
		// one of the types we know provide a setMaterialName function
		if( oDupeMaterial.className() != oSrcMaterial.className() &&
			(oDupeMaterial.inherits( "DzShaderMaterial" ) ||
			oDupeMaterial.inherits( "DzBrickMaterial" )) ){
				// Copy the material name
				oDupeMaterial.setMaterialName( oSrcMaterial.getMaterialName() );
		// Re-create any aliases that exist
		// Re-create any ERC links that exist
		// Resolve references to the source material
		// Finalize the duplication
		// Replace the target material with the duplicate of the source material
		var oError = oTgtShape.replaceMaterial( oTgtMaterial, oDupeMaterial );
		// Return whether there was an error
		return oError.valueOf() == 0x00000000;
	var sMessage;
	var sOk = qsTr("&Ok");
	// If the version of the application is older than
	if( App.version64 < 0x0004000600030027 ){
		// Construct a message
		var sMessage = qsTr("This script requires a newer version of the application. " +
			"Update to the current version and try again.");
		// Inform the user
		MessageBox.information( sMessage, qsTr("Version Error"), sOk );
		// We're done...
	// Get the selected nodes
	var aNodes = Scene.getSelectedNodeList();
	// If we do not have more than one
	if( aNodes.length < 1 ){
		// Construct a message
		sMessage = qsTr("This script requires two (2) nodes to be selected. " +
			"Select two nodes and try again.");
		// Inform the user
		MessageBox.information( sMessage, qsTr("Selection Error"), sOk );
		// We're done...
	// Get the first node
	var oSrcNode = aNodes[ 0 ];
	// If the node is a bone
	if( oSrcNode.inherits( "DzBone" ) ){
		// Get the skeleton
		oSrcNode = oSrcNode.getSkeleton();
	// Get the second node
	var oTgtNode = aNodes[ 1 ];
	// If the node is a bone
	if( oTgtNode.inherits( "DzBone" ) ){
		// Get the skeleton
		oTgtNode = oTgtNode.getSkeleton();
	// Define the source material names
	var aSrcMaterials = [ "Face" ];
	// Define the target material names
	var aTgtMaterials = [ "Default" ];
	// If the source and target material name lists are not the same length
	if( aSrcMaterials.length != aTgtMaterials.length ){
		// Construct a message
		sMessage = qsTr("This script requires pairs of material names to be defined. " +
			"The source and target material name lists are not the same length.");
		// Inform the user
		MessageBox.information( sMessage, qsTr("Resource Error"), sOk );
		// We're done...
	// Declare working variables
	var sSrcMaterial, sTgtMaterial;
	var bSuccess;
	// Iterate over the material names
	for( var i = 0, nNames = aSrcMaterials.length; i < nNames; i += 1 ){
		// Get the 'current' source material name
		sSrcMaterial = aSrcMaterials[ i ];
		// Get the 'current' target material name			
		sTgtMaterial = aTgtMaterials[ i ];
		// If performing a deep copy, source to target was not successful
		if( !deepCopyMaterial( oSrcNode, sSrcMaterial, oTgtNode, sTgtMaterial ) ){
			// Next!!
		// Provide feedback on successful copying
		print( "Copied::", oSrcNode.getLabel(), ":", sSrcMaterial,
			">>", oTgtNode.getLabel(), ":", sTgtMaterial );
// Finalize the function and invoke