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Generate Plane


Below is an example demonstrating the use of the geometry pipeline to generate a geometric plane.

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// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// Number : A function to convert from meters/yards/feet/inches to centimeters
	function convertToCM( nVal, sFromUnit )
		switch( sFromUnit.lower() ){
			case "m":
				return nVal * 100;
			case "yd":
				return nVal * 36.0 * 2.54;
			case "ft":
				return nVal * 12.0 * 2.54;
			case "in":
				return nVal * 2.54;
		return nVal;
	// String : A function for finding a unique label in the scene
	function getUniqueLabel( sLabel )
		// Initialize
		var sUnqLabel = sLabel;
		// If a node by the same label already exists
		if( Scene.findNodeByLabel( sUnqLabel ) ){
			// Create an array of the label parts
			var aLabel = sUnqLabel.split( " " );
			// Initialize
			var sPreLabel = sUnqLabel;
			// Get the last label part
			var sLastPart = aLabel[ aLabel.length - 1 ];
			// If the last label part is a number enclosed in parens
			if( sLastPart.startsWith( "(" ) && sLastPart.endsWith( ")" ) &&
				!isNaN( sLastPart.substring( 1, sLastPart.length - 1 ) ) ){
				// Get rid of the number
				// Reconstruct the Label without the number
				sPreLabel = aLabel.join( " " );
			// Initialize a count
			var i = 2;
			// Until we cannot find a node with the label
			while( Scene.findNodeByLabel( String( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( sPreLabel ).arg( i ) ) ){
				// Increment the count
				i += 1;
			// Construct the unique Label
			sUnqLabel = String( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( sPreLabel ).arg( i );
		// Return the unique Label
		return sUnqLabel;
	// Get the user input
	var sOrigin = "Object Center"; // "World Center"
	var nSize = 10;
	var sUnit = "cm"; // "m", "yd", "ft", "in"
	var nDivisions = 10;
	// Convert the input value to centimeters
	nSize = convertToCM( nSize, sUnit );
	// Sanity check the input values
	if ( nSize <= 0.0 || nDivisions < 1 )
		// We are done...
	// Let the user know we are busy
	// Create new node
	var oNode = new DzNode();
	// Set the node name;
	// use a name that is consistent with the create primitive action
	oNode.setName( "Plane" );
	// Build the label of the node
	var sLabel = String( "Plane %1x%2 %3%4" )
		.arg( nDivisions )
		.arg( nDivisions )
		.arg( nSize )
		.arg( sUnit );
	oNode.setLabel( getUniqueLabel( sLabel ) );
	// Create a new object
	var oObject = new DzObject();
	// Set the object name;
	// use a name that is consistent with the create primitive action = String( "pPlane(%1)%2" ).arg( nSize ).arg( nDivisions );
	// Create a new polygonal shape
	var oFacetShape = new DzFacetShape();
	// Set the shape name and label;
	// use a name that is consistent with the create primitive action = "Default";
	oFacetShape.setLabel( );
	// Create a new polygonal mesh
	var oFacetMesh = new DzFacetMesh();
	// Create a new default material
	var oMaterial = new DzDefaultMaterial();
	// Set the material name and label;
	// use a name that is consistent with the create primitive action = "Default";
	oMaterial.setLabel( );
	// Add the material to the shape
	oFacetShape.addMaterial( oMaterial );
	// Begin editing the mesh
	// Get the UV map
	var oMap = oFacetMesh.getUVs();
	// Activate the material; all new geometry will be added to this
	oFacetMesh.activateMaterial( );
	// Declare some variables for generating the mesh
	var i, j, idx, numVerts = nDivisions + 1;
	var x, z, nHalfSize = nSize / 2;
	var vecUVs = new DzVec3( 0, 0, 0 );
	// Pre-size the vertex array; faster than dynamic resizing
	oFacetMesh.preSizeVertexArray( numVerts * numVerts );
	// Create the vertices/uvs
	for( i = 0; i < numVerts; i += 1 ){
		z = i / nDivisions;
		vecUVs.y = z;
		for( j = 0; j < numVerts; j += 1 ){
			x = j / nDivisions;
			vecUVs.x = x;
			oFacetMesh.addVertex( x * nSize - nHalfSize, 0, nHalfSize - z * nSize );
			oMap.appendPnt2Vec( vecUVs );
	// Pre-size the facet array; faster than dynamic resizing
	oFacetMesh.preSizeFacets( nDivisions * nDivisions );
	var aVertexIndices = new Array( 4 );
	// Create the faces
	for( i = 0; i < nDivisions; i += 1 ){
		for( j = 0; j < nDivisions; j += 1 ){
			aVertexIndices[0] = j + (i * numVerts);
			aVertexIndices[1] = j + (i * numVerts) + 1;
			aVertexIndices[2] = j + ((i + 1) * numVerts) + 1;
			aVertexIndices[3] = j + ((i + 1) * numVerts);
			oFacetMesh.addFacet( aVertexIndices, aVertexIndices );
	// Finish editing the mesh
	// Set the mesh for the shape
	oFacetShape.setFacetMesh( oFacetMesh );
	// Add the shape to the object
	oObject.addShape( oFacetShape );
	// Add the object to the node
	oNode.setObject( oObject );
	// Get the local bounding box
	var boxLocal = oNode.getLocalBoundingBox();
	var vecMax = boxLocal.max;
	var vecMin = boxLocal.min;
	// If the user chose the object center for the origin
	if( sOrigin == "Object Center" ){
		// Get the middle of the height of the box
		var nMid = (vecMax.y + vecMin.y) * 0.5;
		// Set the origin; default and current
		var vecOrigin = new DzVec3(0, nMid, 0);
		oNode.setOrigin( vecOrigin, true );
		oNode.setOrigin( vecOrigin );
	// If the height of the bounding box is less than
	// 1 unit (1cm) tall, set it to be 1 unit tall
	if( vecMax.y < 1 ){
		vecMax.y = 1;
	// Set the end point; default and current
	var vecEndPoint = new DzVec3( 0, vecMax.y, 0 );
	oNode.setEndPoint( vecEndPoint, true );
	oNode.setEndPoint( vecEndPoint );
	// Get the presentation for the node
	var oPresentation = oNode.getPresentation();
	// If the node did not have a presentation,
	// create one and assign it to the node
	if( !oPresentation ){
		oPresentation = new DzPresentation();
		oNode.setPresentation( oPresentation );
	// Set the type of node
	oPresentation.type = "Prop";
	// Add the node to the scene
	Scene.addNode( oNode );
	// Let the user know we are done
// Finalize the function and invoke