The Render Settings pane can be accessed by including an instruction of the render_settings type.
An instruction of the render_settings type can be used to cause the Interactive Lesson Manager to guide the user, step by step, to a property via the Editor page. This is accomplished by prepending “/Editor” to the query value.
The query value should consist of the full property group path to the property - ending with the label of the property.
A value_member member must be defined for the instruction to specify a target value.
Numeric properties may also define a tolerance_member member to describe the range of values that will allow the lesson to proceed.
Click the name of the example below to save it as a file.
var oLessonMgr = MainWindow.getInteractiveLessonMgr(); oLessonMgr.begin([ { "render_settings": "/Editor/Gamma/Gamma", "value": 2.2, "info": "Set the gamma to 2.2" } ]);
An instruction of the render_settings type can be used to cause the Interactive Lesson Manager to guide the user, step by step, to a user-facing file to load via the Presets page. This is accomplished by prepending “/Preset” to the query value.
The query value can be the short name of a file, or the full category path of a file. Using the short name of a file will guide the user to the first instance [within the database] in the category hierarchy. Using the full category path of a file will prefer the specified category if it exists.
Including an asset_path_member member in the instruction will help the Interactive Lesson Manager resolve the file being referenced in the event that the category path is not specified, or if the specified category path does not exist. The value of this member should consist of the relative [to a mapped content directory] path to the target file.
Click the name of the example below to save it as a file.
var oLessonMgr = MainWindow.getInteractiveLessonMgr(); oLessonMgr.begin([ { "render_settings": "/Presets/RENDER SETTINGS Fiery Genesis 2.duf", "asset_path": "/Render Settings/RENDER SETTINGS Fiery Genesis 2.duf", "info": "Load the RENDER SETTINGS Fiery Genesis 2 preset." } ]);