In certain cases, you may want to provide the user with information without drawing their attention to a particular part of the UI. This can be accomplished by defining an instruction of the display type. The value of the type member can be the Boolean value true, or a String. If the value is a string, that string will be displayed on a button below the message, to the right of the Stop [Esc] button.
Click the name of the example(s) below to save it as a file.
var oLessonMgr = MainWindow.getInteractiveLessonMgr(); oLessonMgr.begin([ { "display": true, "info": "This is a message with a default button. The button should read \"Next\"." }, { "display": ">>", "info": "This is a message with a custom button. The button should read \">>\"'." }, { "display": true, "info": "This is a another message with a custom button. The button should read \"Last Step >\".", "optional": "Last Step >" }, { "display": true, "info": "This is a final message. The button should read \"Finish\"." } ]);