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Below is an example demonstrating how you can build a bounding box for the objects in a scene, and then cause the current camera for the active viewport to rotate such that it points at the center of the box and moves such that the box fits within the lesser dimension of the aspect frame, via script. This example mimics behaviors found in the Frame Selection action included with the application.
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/***************************** Script globals *****************************/ var g_sToolName = "Frame Camera"; var g_oArrayHelper = new DzArrayHelper(); /*********************************************************************/ // DzBox3 : Method for building a bounding box; optionally excluding a node and/or its children function buildBoundingBox( oBaseNode, bExcludeBase, bExclueChildren, bRecursive ){ // Create a box that we'll expand to encompass target nodes var boxBounding = new DzBox3(); // If a node wasn't passed in if( !oBaseNode ){ // We're done here... return undefined; } // Define an array of nodes to exclude var aExcludeNodes = (bExclueChildren ? oBaseNode.getNodeChildren( bRecursive ) : []); // If we're excluding the base node if( bExcludeBase ){ // Add the base node to the front of the list aExcludeNodes.unshift( oBaseNode ); } // Declare working variable var boxNode; // Define a flag to indicate whether the box grows var bHasGrown = false; // Get whether a node is selected var bSelectedNode = (Scene.getPrimarySelection() != undefined); // Get the number of nodes to process var nNodes = (bSelectedNode ? Scene.getNumSelectedNodes() : Scene.getNumNodes()); // Iterate over the nodes for( var i = 0; i < nNodes; i += 1 ){ // Get the 'current' node; based on selection var oNode = (bSelectedNode ? Scene.getSelectedNode( i ) : Scene.getNode( i )); // If we have a node and it is not in the exclude list if( oNode && g_oArrayHelper.isInArray( aExcludeNodes, oNode ) < 0 ){ // Get the world space bounding box boxNode = oNode.getWSBoundingBox(); // Grow our box to include the node box boxBounding.include( boxNode.max ); boxBounding.include( boxNode.min ); // Update the flag bHasGrown = true; } } // If the box has not grown if( !bHasGrown ){ // We're done here... return undefined; } // Return the bounding box return boxBounding; } /*********************************************************************/ // Get the active viewport var oViewport = MainWindow.getViewportMgr().getActiveViewport(); // Get the current camera var oCamera = oViewport.get3DViewport().getCamera(); // Get a box encompassing the nodes to aim at, excluding the camera and its children var boxTarget = buildBoundingBox( oCamera, true, true, true ); // If we've got a valid box if( boxTarget ){ // If the camera is not a 'view' if( !oCamera.isViewCamera() ){ // Start collecting events for the undo stack beginUndo(); // Start editing the camera oCamera.beginEdit(); } // Frame the box in the camera oCamera.frame( boxTarget, oViewport.width / oViewport.height ); // If the camera is not a 'view' if( !oCamera.isViewCamera() ){ // Stop collecting events for the undo stack oCamera.finishEdit(); // Push the events to the undo stack; as a single event acceptUndo( g_sToolName ); } }