User Tools

Site Tools Change Log

Below is a “sanitized” version of the Daz Studio change log leading to the General Release of version This log is posted as part of a conscious effort to be more transparent in the development process. That being said, not all information relating to a particular build is present on this page - some information is still considered private and is therefore not included.

Public Channel

Public Beta 1

  • Incremented revision, reset build to 0
  • Created initial tag for 4.6.2.x

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed an issue with support of anisotropy on the Shader Mixer Default Material brick
  • Additional pane action icons
  • Additional save icons
  • Speed ups to folder navigation in Content Library pane
  • Added support for symlinks/shortcut for files to Content Manager
  • Added Shader Mixer brick for 3Delight BSDF function
  • Merged changes to 4.6.1.x branch

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to building/publishing systems

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed normal and bump maps at their UV seams; “Viewport 2.0”
  • Added an option to restrict influence in the weight map smoothing dialog
  • Fixed a draw issue with undo in the Weight Map Brush
  • Merged changes from -

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-143/CS 145252: All textures where being converted to JPG during OBJ export; added an “Original Maps” option; “No Maps” option now prevents maps from being written; paths no longer write out using quotes

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Update Eigen library to 3.2

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed hyperlinks in the text of the welcome page and lesson strip steps; removed errant span inserted by QtDesigner

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Updated CMS client to Valentina 5.4
  • Began interactive lesson framework

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Script API documentation updates
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added functionality to Morph Loader Pro that allows splitting a GeoGrafted export into separate morphs for the individual mesh contributors; does not support the Reverse Deformations option yet

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Work on interactive lesson framework
  • Added Reverse Deformations support to the split GeoGrafting options in Morph Loader Pro
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to build system
  • Added an option to Morph Loader Pro that controls weather the cage of an HD morph is smoothed; limited access
  • Back end work to allow remapping HD morphs; limited access
  • Initial implementation of remapping a ZBrush subdivided mesh to a native subdivided mesh in Morph Loader Pro; limited access

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added a clear cache button to the preferences dialog
  • Added support to Morph Loader Pro for remapping base meshes that have been subdivided in Mudbox; limited access
  • Made Morph Loader Pro preset selection read HD option info; limited access
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-169/CS 148257: Fixed delta save for legacy content when multiple figures of the same content are in the scene
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to build system

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added a script to fix problematic legacy scene files with more than one of a given figure

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Standardized script; documented as verbose sample

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Minor styling consistency tweaks to the application update dialog
  • Added classes for nodes providing access to weight maps
  • Class updates for Weight Map Brush refactoring
  • Added Node Weight Map Brush classes and views for Weight Map Brush refactoring; not exported yet

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Changed grafting order to be based on node name and vertex count of grafts rather than fit to order; improves predictability for dependent operations
  • Added interactive lesson support for searching in Smart Content and Content Library panes
  • Added support for labels finding images in resources directories; specify an image with “resources:path/to/image.ext”

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Work on Weight Map Brush refactoring; Node Weight Map Brush

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-174/CS 152086: Fixed a crash related to the Scene Selection popup on Mac
  • Changed interactive lesson text to a label, which provides support for html
  • Merged change from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed a bug in the Hierarchical Material save filter to handle Geometry Shells
  • Fixed a bug in the Hierarchical Material save filter relating to the inclusion of parent data regardless of checked state
  • Added source for a helper script for Gensis 2 Female Creature Creator Add-on Geometry Shells

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-179/CS 152340/CS 152232: Fixed crash in ERC Freeze when rigging or hidden properties were involved
  • Optimized ERC Freeze
  • Added interactive lesson support for Int Properties
  • Modified interactive lessons for an action to prefer toolbars, then main menu, then options menus
  • Exposed layered texture to script creation; posted sample
  • Fixed a potential crash in the Bake Rotations action
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

Public Beta 2

  • Work on interactive lesson framework; stack based and name based scene selection
  • Updated script documentation stubs for DzImageMgr
  • Added script documentation stubs for DzLayeredTexture, DzTextureComponent, DzTextureLayer, DzTextureMask

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Standardized create shell helper script
  • Added documentation to the shell helper script
  • Work on Weight Map Brush refactoring; Node Weight Map Brush

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added support for a Compound Measure node to combine measurements from other Measure Metrics nodes
  • Added support for limiting a Tailor Tape node to a facet subset of the target mesh
  • Added drawing of target facets for Tailor Tape nodes so users can visualize a facet subset
  • Merged changes from -

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-190: Fixed UV Set generation to help minimize number of discontinuous vertices

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Verify build systems after physical move

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added interactive lesson support for scene view selection; Scene pane
  • Added interactive lesson support for relative path search; Content Library pane
  • Fixed an issue with interactive lessons and the Show Extensions option in Content Library
  • Work on Weight Map Brush refactoring; Node Weight Map Brush
  • Fixed tree size on new tree view for Node Weight Map Brush

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed script API documentation of DzObject and DzCallBack

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to DzCallBack sample script
  • Fixed #DS-195: Misspelling in ERC Freeze Create Property Dialog
  • Fixes to the helper script for Gensis 2 Female Creature Creator Add-on Geometry Shells
  • Fixed exceptions/crash in certain cases of undo with Geometry Shells
  • Fixed connection issue with Geometry Shells
  • Standardized the helper script for Gensis 2 Female Creature Creator Add-on Geometry Shells
  • Added documentation to the helper script for Gensis 2 Female Creature Creator Add-on Geometry Shells
  • Node Weight Map Brush context menu work

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added source for a script used with the Measure Metrics plugin, which allows specific measurements and iterates over adjustments to various properties to achieve those measurements

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed a heap corruption bug when dealing with geometry containing discontinuous UVs that are >= 2x the number of vertices, such as the cube primitive

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added DForm weight map support; requires Node Weight Map Brush to paint
  • Work on Weight Map Brush refactoring; Node Weight Map Brush
  • Fixed SDK documentation Start Menu link on Windows
  • Updated SDK script references in SDK documentation
  • Updated Qt online references in SDK documentation
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Made optimizations to bone binding calculations
  • Clean up work on Polygon Selection Tool

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Clean up of the Node Weight Map Brush
  • Create WMT skeleton

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Began Magellan framework

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to build system

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added tests for distributed normalization
  • Added concentric normalization
  • Added tests for concentric normalization
  • Stubbed hierarchical normalization

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed Install Manager installation helper scripts on Mac; spaces in paths
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added tests for hierarchical normalization
  • Added mixed normalization
  • Added tests for mixed normalization
  • Moved Install Helper and initialize script from temp to application directory on Mac
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added support for multiple target figures to Auto-Fit
  • Added FID_ property to skeletons; core and DSON Poser
  • Added support for name/id aliases to node and geometry
  • Added script API documentation; DzFacetMesh: assetIdAliases, nameAliases, assetId
  • Fixed a null checking issue on nodes
  • Fixed an issue with accepting a serial number from Install Manager on Mac
  • Fixed #DS-216: Fixed Region Navigator Tool interaction with the Shaping pane; Fixed display of Region icons in parameter navigation listviews
  • Fixed exceptions/crash in certain cases of undo with Geometry Shells
  • Fixed a signal/slot connection issue with Geometry Shells
  • Fixed #DS-174/CS 152086: Fixed a crash related to the Scene Selection popup on Mac
  • Added [internal] script for setting asset id and aliases
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added interactive lesson support for Bool and Color Properties
  • Added interactive lesson support for Surfaces and Lights Pane
  • Fixed the issue where the size of the Render Window was too small even when there was room on the screen
  • Added handling of FID_ properties to Auto-Fit
  • Fixed Geometry Shell renaming of shape
  • Fixed removal of ERC links when the source property is removed
  • Removed outdated QuickStart Guide PDF; current version is on doc center
  • Merged changes from,

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-199/CS 153596: Fixed a crash in the undo stack
  • Fixed #DS-212: When using the Pose/Animate activity in the Full Service [Beta] layout, clicking in the viewport can crash; workflow assistant
  • Fixed an issue with accepting name and serial number from installation with Install Manager for auto-registration; streamline 1st time UX
  • Fixed an issue in AutoFollow
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-220,DS-219: Fixed property selections so correct properties are returned when filtering
  • Updated EULA to reflect current EULA on the website
  • Added source for [internal] cross figure setup script
  • Merged changes from -

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to [internal] cross figure setup script
  • Added script access to DzERCLink.saveWithOutput
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed random crash of Auto-Fit
  • Merged change from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Updated styles to include WMT Skeleton icon

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

Public Beta 3

  • Fixed an issue that could cause morphs not to load; source statements for assets were not always being copied correctly
  • Fixed a crash in a fringe case use of Transfer Utility
  • Fixed #DS-231: LOD Mesh Resolutions do not work when loaded via PowerLoader
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Expanded unit test coverage
  • Fixed script API access to toolTip and statusTip on DzWidget
  • Updated script wrappers for DzLabel and DzLineEdit
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added DzScrollArea to script API; QScrollArea wrapper
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Renamed Cross Figure Setup script to “Cross-Figure Setup” to coincide with PD naming decision
  • Tweaks to unit tests
  • Improved feedback (progress) while waiting for metadata import
  • Updated script API and documentation for DzTabWidget
  • Removed a Qt3 support library dependency in DzTabWidget
  • Fixed #DSON-5: Fixed read/write of presets to correctly read/write the name in modifier paths instead of asset ids; modifier paths use the name scheme; read falls back to asset ids if name cannot be found, to preserve backward compatibility; new saves cannot be read correctly by prior versions as the reader [incorrectly] operates on asset ids instead of name
  • Added a Home action; a hub for providing quick access to various forms of help
  • Merged changes from -

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to unit tests
  • Added an option to FBX Exporter to allow export of clothing as static (non-skinned) geometry

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed the object name of the startup wizard, Home and Scene Builder dialogs; allows each to record/apply independent size and placement
  • Updated default styles; added several help related icons
  • Replaced the [Lesson Strip] Welcome page with a help Home page
  • Updated various help URLs
  • Added a setStyledIcon function to DzStyle to [for instance] allow setting a QIcon (which is not script accessible) on a button
  • Fixed a crash when nodes are deleted during load
  • Added a canShowSceneBuilder function to DzApp to help determine if calling showSceneBuilder will yield a result
  • Removed Scene Builder from the automated startup sequence; now called explicitly via the Home page at the end of the startup wizard or the Home dialog
  • Changed activity bar buttons to Home, My Account, and My Gallery
  • Fixed an issue where the “Do Not Show Again” check box in the startup wizard was not being respected in some cases
  • Extended the showSceneBuilder function on DzApp to allow SceneBuilder definitions to be loaded from anywhere
  • Merged changes from -

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to unit tests
  • Added a No Hidden option to FBX Exporter; this will not export objects that are hidden as opposed to the default behavior
  • Added a scroll area to the create property dialog
  • Merged changes from

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Reworked Help menu; replaced various help action classes to clarify purpose; run Update and Merge Menus script
  • Updated default interface files; actions, menus, toolbars
  • Updated the Help pane index
  • Tweaked the Help Browser action to open the window at a size that causes little or no horizontal scrolling
  • Set default menu path and default toolbar on help and connect actions
  • Holding the Ctrl/Cmd key when the log action is triggered will now open the native file browser to the log file; as opposed to opening the log file itself
  • Updated default styles; help icons
  • Refactored SceneBuilder parser/dialog to use standard JSON structures
  • Adjusted SceneBuilder dialog construction to allow more formatting control in the definition
  • Merged changes from and

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-240: Bug with “Per Pixel Shading” and backdrops
  • Fixed default menu paths for several actions
  • Updated default interface files; account for the replacement of the Weight Map Brush with the Node Weight Map Brush

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed degree symbol facing direction in aniMate2
  • Tweaks to unit tests
  • Fixed default menu paths for numerous internal actions
  • Replaced the “Apply” button in the Layout, Style and Style Color dialogs with a “Preview” button; now behaves as a proper preview

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed the minimum size of apply, accept and cancel buttons in basic dialogs
  • Fixed sizing of the custom style color dialog
  • Fixed when the layout dialog restores the previous layout
  • Fixed when the style dialog applies or restores a style
  • Added the Darkside style to the list of defaults; i.e. above the separator
  • Tweaks to unit tests

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to unit tests
  • Fixed #DS-208: When rendering a small image, such as an icon, the name field was too small to edit
  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed an issue where using IK on clothing that was fit to a figure caused unpredictable results
  • Added defaultMenus and defaultToolBars properties to DzAction
  • Added the ability for DzAction subclasses to specify more than one default menu and toolbar

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added a “Favorites” filter to property group views; i.e. All, Favorites, Currently Used
  • Added actions and menu entries for adding/removing favorite properties

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed the inconsistent height of selectors on the Align pane
  • Tweaks to the [internal] inline help editor

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added DzComboEdit to the script API
  • Extended DzEnumSlider script API
  • Tweaks to script API documentation
  • Added the Favorite option to the Parameters Settings dialog
  • Added a Favorite button to styled property widgets
  • Added favorite actions to default advanced menus
  • Updated default styles; tweaked card primitive to account for favorite button; added Render Editor
  • Fixed Node Weight Map Brush fill on local weights
  • Added support for saving favorite properties; favorites are saved in user facing files; scene, subset, character, etc.
  • Updated interface files to reflect recent action class additions

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to unit tests
  • Added support for reading favorite properties
  • Work on interactive lesson support for showing and docking a pane if its not available on screen
  • Replaced property selection in various dialogs with a new popup derived from the property view used in the Parameters pane
  • Updated DzComboBox script API

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

Public Beta 4

  • Switched property group editing to use a path tree widget instead of a menu
  • Added interactive lesson support for guiding the user to choose a workspace layout
  • Added interactive lesson support for Activity Tabs
  • Image menus are now scrollable
  • Added interactive lesson support for selecting no node
  • Fixed the spawn morph function on DForm modifier
  • Added functions to DzComboEdit
  • Added a class factory for DzPropertySelectionComboBox
  • Updated DzComboBox script API documentation
  • Fixed styling/sizing issues on the filter filed used by property and content views
  • Fixed styling of pane group close buttons
  • Fixed styling of close buttons on close-able tabs

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-248/CS155382: Support for Alternate Geometry in Materials Presets
  • Added interactive lesson support for the Presets page in the Posing, Cameras and Lights panes
  • Fixed DzComboEdit support for submenus; in menu mode
  • Fixed #DS-174: Fixed several sorts to be case-insensitive
  • Added sorting to the Fit To dialog
  • Added DzPropertySelectionComboBox to the scripting API; a DzPropertySelectionDropDown wrapper

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-171: Applying a Shader Mixer shader to a surface causes the UV map to be reset
  • Added mass editing of Scalars and Save With to the Property Hierarchy context menu
  • Extended DzApp::canShowSceneBuilder() to allow use with Scene Builder definitions located at paths other than the default

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to make Property Hierarchy pane more efficient about when it rebuilds its list; improves experience when selecting nodes within the same hierarchy
  • Fixed ERC Freeze to create links in the correct/consistent order
  • Added a Mode option to the Attenuation group of ERC Freeze; allows Sub-Components to be targeted by the attenuation property
  • Added DzNodeSelectionComboBox to the scripting API
  • Fixed some issues with script documentation extraction
  • Added documentation to several script widget classes

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed an issue with the interactive lesson layout command not being cleaned up completely
  • Fixed #DS-254: Crash while running unit tests; fixed cases where geometry can be subdivided while building; fixed crash in skin binding when geometry count handed in is incorrect; fixed case where loading deltas would cause scene to rebuild
  • Added Render Settings presets to the default load types
  • Added support for props to ERC Freeze
  • Updated ERC Freeze to use a single node selection drop down
  • Added a Keyed (Extract from Play Range) option to ERC Freeze

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

Public Beta 5 (RC)

  • Optimized application of ERC Freeze
  • Fixed an issue with the control value and the Keyed option in ERC Freeze
  • Added interactive lesson submasks for floating panes
  • Made StopInteractiveLessonButton style-able
  • Keyed ERC Freeze now prefers the most used interpolation type instead of the first used
  • The escape key can now be used to quit an interactive lesson

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-228/CS154183: Morph load issues for TriAx to TriAx auto-fit clothing
  • Fixed an indexing issue when asset containers deleted children
  • Fixed scrolling to in the Content Library pane when using “Show in Content Library” from the Smart Content pane context menu
  • Added a busy cursor to the “Show in Content Library” action
  • Fixed #DS-260/CS157419: Fixed child figures getting pose data from Pose Presets in some cases
  • Fixed #DS-261: Fixed morph projection when HD morphs are on

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-259/CS157895: Fixed load of accelerator keys from actions file

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-215: ERC not saving when control property is an empty morph
  • Fixed #DS-214: Fixed a possibility of uv sets not having a unique instance IDs
  • Fixed #DS-255: Fit to inconsistently displaying “multiple” under certain circumstances
  • Added an “ERC Bake to Play Range” action to serve as couterpart to the ability to freeze a play range via ERC Freeze

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Minor consistency tweaks to default shaders
  • Made ERC freeze more intellegent about who owns the created ERC links
  • Made tweaks to interactive lesson label/button layout, styling and accessibility
  • Fixed render to match OpenSubdiv for what is considered infinitely sharp (edge weight/vertex weight of 10)
  • Fixed #DS-25: Make remove unused bones more conservative about which bones it deletes
  • Fixed interactive lesson support for plain text info

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Refactored interactive lesson click highlight to use a leader line and tag instead of an animated circle
  • Styling work on interactive lessons for tag and leader line
  • Added DzStyledLabel; used by interactive lesson tag
  • Improved interactive lesson tag text; click, double click and adjust
  • Tweaks to interactive lesson layout, styling and accessibility
  • Made additions to inline help
  • Removed Qt3 Support dependencies from script APIs for DzGroupBox, DzHGroupBox, DzVGroupBox, DzButtonGroup, DzHButtonGroup and DzVButtonGroup
  • Updated DzGroupBox, DzButtonGroup and DzUiLoader script APIs
  • Updated script API docs

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-40/CS140450: Nodes parented to the active camera were being included in the frame and aim commands; any nodes parented to the active camera should be treated as if they are part of that camera and therefore should be excluded from bounding box calculations.
  • The aim command now behaves consistently with the frame command; no selection implies all selected - active camera and child nodes are excluded
  • Transfer Utility Merge Hierarchy now respects locking and keeps weight maps when not in source
  • Transfer Utility now respects locking in the hidden facet case
  • Transfer Utility now cleans up unused bulge maps
  • Transfer Utility Remove Unused Bones now removes bone bindings (the binding only, not the bone) when it is keeping the bone for Poser compatibility
  • Improved interactive lesson tag placement
  • Fixed a scoping issue that caused DzStyledLabel to not draw text on Mac
  • Fixed #DS-266/CS157766: Smart Content displays a duplicate every 128th product

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Tweaks to build system

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed layout and group box widget classes for script

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed the Previous Sibling script

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Transfer Utility now allows a user to transfer Favorites and control if target morphs are overridden
  • Exposed Transfer Utility to scripting
  • Fixed an issue that caused interactive lesson info text to sometimes get clipped
  • Fixed an issue that caused the interactive lesson highlight rect to be misplaced for undocked/undockable pane tabs in a seperate window
  • Fixed an issue with the tool tip not being updated when a folder/category was renamed in Content Library
  • Fixed a crash that occured when creating multiple folders at once, in the Content Library
  • Fixed a bug with interactive lessons in undockable panes
  • Lesson Step buttons are now given unique names
  • Updated inline help for the Lesson Strip
  • Tweaked Alembic Exporter UI
  • Tweaked FBX Exporter UI
  • Tweaked OBJ Exporter UI

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Replaced QuickStart Video with Interactive Tutorials on the home page
  • Fixed display of rigidity group/reference count in Polygon Group Editor
  • Removed exclusivity requirement from rigidity groups
  • Added the lesson command to interactive lessons
  • Fixed DzMorph to emit current value has changed when deltas change
  • Interactive lessons now force the Camera Cube, Activity Bar, and Lesson Strip to show when relevant
  • Added a Purge Memory script
  • Updated built-in metadata
  • Added an interactive lesson script for the Welcome page
  • Made tweaks to Lesson Step popups and the interactive lesson Stop button
  • Fixed interactive lesson default Lesson path

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Improved log messages when modifiers have issues loading
  • Added interactive lesson support to the Lesson Strip
  • Added an interactive lesson for the Barefoot Dancer
  • Updated the interactive lesson Home script to launch the Barefoot Dancer tutorial
  • Added Hide Un-Selected Facets to Polygon Group Editor
  • Added support for an interactive step script to the Lesson Step popup template
  • Fixed the placement of the “Interactive” button for Lesson Steps that provide a script

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added script support for “RunSilent” to the Alembic Exporter
  • Property aliases are now allowed to exist on nodes that do not belong to the same object
  • Fixed issues with the Mac build of Alembic
  • Added interactive lesson support for choosing a particular Camera or DrawStyles in the viewport
  • Added interactive lesson support for checking orbit, pane, zoom, etc state in the viewport
  • Added locate_only support to interactive lesson instructions
  • Fixed an issue with interactive lessons where the activity bar would be forced to display even if the target activity was not found
  • Added interactive lesson support for multiple viewports

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DSON-7: Fixed binding creation to lookup by asset id, not by name

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed an issue with building Alembic on Mac

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Viewport controls that operate on click and drag now indicate “Click & Drag” in the interactive lesson tag
  • The cameras, lights, posing and shaping instructions all now display “Adjust” in the interactive lesson tag; consistency with the parameters and surfaces instructions
  • Added a Pick button/functionality to the UI Widget Map pane

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed #DS-277: Fixed Clear Recent Files not surviving a session
  • Optimized handling of orientation changes; affects loading and manipulation speed
  • Fixed execution order of Purge Memory script
  • Updated docs on DzApp::clearDelayedDeleteStack()
  • Tool buttons in toolbars created for a DzAction are now named; interactive lesson and inline help support
  • Added a DzToolBar::insertAction() overload
  • Pane Groups are now given unique names; interactive lesson support

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed objectName inconsistencies; interactive lesson and inline help support

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed an issue with the interactive lesson locate_only instruction
  • Fixed a interactive lesson toolbar highlight rect issue
  • Added adjustEndPoint, adjustOrientation, adjustOrientationAngles, and adjustOrigin to DzNode
  • Fixed Joint Editor to use adjust functions to correctly handle cases where joints are already moved by ERC
  • Fixed the order that Transfer Utility adds projected morphs to the target; pre vs post binding prior to saving/loading
  • Made adjustments that cause the Barefoot Dancer interactive lesson script to launch quicker
  • Fixed delay in interactive lesson handling of large databases
  • Fixed a bug with clearing of the interactive lesson mask when an instruction does not contain an info member
  • Added user colors to allow adjustment of interactive lesson styling
  • Updated default styles
  • The interactive lesson leader line, highlight rect and tag now draw differently when in locate_only mode
  • Updated interactive lesson home script and Barefoot Dancer script to use newly added specific style colors
  • Added Purge Memory script to distribution footprint

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Refactored the UI Widget Map pane; in support of generating interactive lesson scripts
  • Fixes to interactive lesson support for view controls
  • Fixes to interactive lesson widget support
  • Improved interactive lesson resolution of content when asset path exists
  • Fixed interactive lesson scroll to in content views
  • Fixed interactive lesson delays in content views
  • Fixed interactive lesson viewport aim
  • Fixed interactive lesson blocking
  • Fixed interactive lesson issues with multiple leader line and tag drawing when multiple masks are used; undocked overlapping panes
  • Fixed interactive lesson focus issue; tag required two clicks in certain cases; locate only
  • Added interactive lesson asset_path support
  • Fixed an issue with interactive lesson searches that interfere with navigating to new paths
  • Added interactive lesson optional/skip support
  • Added the ability to generate interactive lesson scripts from the UI Widget Map context menu
  • Pane option menus are now explicitly named
  • Fixed a crash in the interactive lesson mask paint event
  • Made various tweaks to the Barefoot Dancer lesson
  • Updated styles for interactive lesson locate_only mouseover and optional button additions
  • Added functions to DzInteractiveLessonMgr for generating commands

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added dropUndo() to the global script context; differs from cancelUndo in that cancel undoes changes since beginUndo, while drop cancels without undoing
  • Added documentation for DzUndoStack and the UndoStack script API global
  • Updated script API references for global objects; DzMainWindow, DzOpenGL, DzScene, DzSystem
  • Added zero color to weight painting; used to provide visual feedback of difference between weighted and unweighted sections of a weight map
  • Fixed display of child weight drawing
  • Fixed various documentation type references to Panes as Tabs
  • Reworked interactive lesson tag placement; handling of widget sizes and position that caused the tag and leader to be out of view
  • Fixed interactive lesson mask flicker
  • Activity buttons are now explicitly named
  • Added the ability to generate interactive lesson activity scripts from the UI Widget Map context menu
  • Added point drawing to Weight Map Brush tool
  • Added zero color and control of opacity for the weight map gradient and zero colors
  • Added interactive lesson support for the display instruction

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed vertex weight drawing to only consider cage verts on subdivision surfaces

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed an interactive lesson bug in Content Library column view highlight rect drawing
  • Fixed an interactive lesson bug in Content Library with resolving same file name different extension
  • Added flexibility to setting demarcation values for the weight map gradient in the Weight Map Brush
  • Added support for an accent on the interactive lesson highlight rect
  • Interactive lesson Content Library column view tweaks
  • Fixed weight map draw mode action labels and ordering
  • Fixed interactive lessons to correctly handle non-default content categories
  • Added interactive lesson preset support to the Surfaces pane
  • Fixed interactive lesson asset resolution
  • Fixed items available in the context menu of the UI Widget Map pane
  • Object names for DzActionMenu instances are now set upon add/insert
  • Updated Barefoot Dancer interactive lesson with start/finish display instructions
  • Updated styles to support interactive lesson rect accent

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added interactive lesson content support for scripts and legacy scene files
  • Fixed a bug in interactive lesson smart content support relating to an empty top level category
  • Interactive lesson value instruction member for color property now accepts a string or numeric value; string value can be standard int, hex int (0x), oct int(0), or # hex
  • Fixed a bug with interactive lessons automatically progressing while a property is being edited if the command defined a tolerance and the value entered the acceptable range
  • Tweaked HD Morph limit to be smarter about indicating its max
  • Added DzScript::addLines(); allows one or more lines of code be added and indented to a specified level
  • Changed DzInteractiveLessonMgr::getInstruction() to take a QVariant for its query parameter
  • Extended the script API for DzInteractiveLessonMgr and DzWidgetMapPane

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed a bug with using the interactive lesson style color if that color was set to black; check for a valid color instead of a default
  • The interactive lesson leader now animates in the direction of the click
  • An accent is now drawn on both sides of the interactive lesson leader
  • Tweaked interactive lesson leader start accent styling
  • Lesson Steps with a interactive step script will now display an Interactive button in the step navigation
  • Measure Metrics interface tweaks; sort by node label

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Changed the context menu item for “Open in Script IDE…” to be dynamic based on the current label of the pane
  • Set object names on various QMenu; interactive lesson and inline help support
  • Fixed an issue with the interactive lesson mask flickering when large databases cause a delay in displaying results for a given command
  • Made DzActionMgr::legalizeName() a static function
  • DzMenu submenu object names are now set dynamically based on the legalized label; interactive lesson and inline help support
  • Made improvements to the UI Widget Map pane; handling style changes; include menus in the list for contextual access to actions for interactive lesson instruction/script generation; rebuild map when using widget picker; Show Widget button state
  • Updated default styles
  • Added various actions to the Measure Metrics pane option menu
  • Measure Metrics sorting and unit preference are now saved between sessions
  • Updated default menus
  • Made tweaks to Scene pane preference saving; include Show IK and Show Hidden

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed an issue with updating the Measure Metrics view when restoring settings for the pane

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

Private Channel

  • Added interactive lesson support for mapped properties in the Surfaces pane
  • Fixed Tailor Tape node to account for GeoGrafting when displaying target polygons
  • Improved interactive lesson locate_only support; can be toggled true or false with a bool value
  • Added interactive lesson support for mapped properties in the Parameters pane and derivatives; Shaping, Posing, Lights, Cameras, etc.
  • Added a context menu to the Measure Metrics pane
  • Conducted an audit of default option menus against default advanced menus; updated defaults to match
  • Fixed #DS-291: Fixed a crash when deleting weight maps in the Node Weight tool
  • Fixed the Lock Bone Order setting being recorded/restored with other Scene pane settings; this setting is not intended to survive longer than a session - it is a content creation feature that should be on by default
  • Added functions related to locking bone order on the Scene pane to script API documentation
  • Updated default basic menus to include favorites actions and recent additions

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Implemented #DS-289: Added a release cycle tag to the splash screen for non general release builds
  • Updated the return value for DzApp::releaseCycleString()
  • Fixed #DS-291: Fixed a crash when removing a weight map context
  • Fixed an issue where FBX export of figure with a graft could result in a crash
  • Fixed enumerated style elements to be consistent with the Public SDK; elements added after the initial release of the 4.5.x SDK have been moved to the end of their respective lists
  • Added a unique StandardPixmap for Compound Measure nodes, LAMH nodes and Garibaldi nodes
  • Updated default styles to reflect recent style element and action additions
  • Updated the Compound Measure node and all related Measure Metrics interface components to use the new style elements
  • Incremented the current/maximum SDK version to to reflect additions made to the API since the General Release of The minimum SDK version has not changed and remains at Plugins compiled against the Public SDK should continue to load/function without need for re-compiling/re-publishing. Plugins compiled against the current SDK will not load in older versions of DAZ Studio.

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added convenience functions for getting various properties from Measure Metrics nodes, via script
  • Added scripting documentation stub for DzRigidFollowNode and DzGroupNode
  • Fixed API documentation for DzElement, DzNode and DzBone
  • Extended scripting API on DzNodeSelectionComboBox and DzPropertySelectionComboBox

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks; Mac

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed the default state of Show IK, Show Hidden Nodes, Lock Bone Order and Parent Items In Place when a layout does not specify a state; Scene pane option menu
  • Fixed interactive lesson mask raise issues
  • Set Measure Metrics pane default sorting to be ascending
  • Added sorting options to Measure Metric view context menu
  • Updated interactive lesson intro script and Barefoot Dancer tutorial script

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Added Finding, Loading and Manipulating Content interactive tutorial
  • Made tweaks to Barefoot Dancer interactive tutorial
  • Fixed an issue with DzPropertySelectionComboBox not respecting the editMode settings

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed interactive lesson mask raising issues on first instruction
  • Fixed #DS-297/CS161037: Cr2 exporter crash
  • Implemented a workaround for an interactive lesson pane tabbar scrolling issue
  • Updated styles to reflect interactive lesson naming
  • Tweaks to Barefoot Dancer interactive lesson
  • Tweaks to interactive lesson manager and UI widget map script APIs

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build system tweaks; Mac

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed action default menu/tool bar paths not being respected
  • Minor tweaks to interactive lessons

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed an issue in the property list view when in selection only mode (selection drop down) that caused property names to be indistinguishable from the background

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Fixed viewport tool action duplication in the [default] “Tools” toolbar; toolbars now enforce a policy where a given action can exist only once - when duplicate actions are encountered only the first occurrence is added to the toolbar, duplicates are discarded
  • Activated [default] display of the Home page; the “Do not show this again” option for the Home page now uses a unique preference rather than re-using the Welcome page preference
  • Fixed the label of the “Show Home Page” preference
  • Minor tweak to default toolbar files; updated known action list

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Build\Publishing system tweaks

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

  • Updated the Barefoot Dancer Interactive Lesson
  • Added Interactive Lesson default resources, on Mac

DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to

Release to Production

  •, 2014-2-10
  •, 2014-2-12
  •, 2014-4-16