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Now-Crowd Billboards - Modern Sitting Crowd

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Product Name: Now-Crowd Billboards - Modern Sitting Crowd
Product ID: 66347
Published Artist(s): RiverSoft Art
Created By: N/A
Release Date: 2020-01-04

Product Information

  • Required Products: None

Sometimes you need a crowd to just sit and watch! The new Now-Crowd Billboards - Modern Sitting Crowd provides 31 figures sitting bored, excited, drinking, cheering, clapping, and everything in between. Modern Sitting Crowd is the perfect background crowd for sports events, congregations, juries, and more. These high quality, flexible and easy to use billboards are perfect as a backdrop for the main action that you add.

Billboards are a fantastically quick and resource easy way to add background crowds to your scenes. These pre-rendered elements are great to play the background characters in your scene.

Unlike traditional Billboard products, the Now-Crowd Billboards - Modern Sitting Crowd improves on standard billboards by providing 96 different views for each billboard figure. You can view each figure from 12 different horizontal angles and 8 different vertical angles. When your camera moves, the Now-Crowd Billboards can even be changed to match! Note that sitting billboards are more difficult than other billboards, requiring creativity with their positioning, angle, and even scaling to get looking right.

There are also great scripts to make these billboards easy to use! There is one script to turn the billboards to face the camera and another script to change the billboard figure angle based on a horizontal and vertical orientation. Finally, there is a script that pushes your billboard directly away from your camera view or pulls it towards you.

For Iray and 3Delight

No figures included with this product.

No other products are needed to use the Now-Crowd Billboards - Modern Sitting Crowd

Note that Now-Crowd Billboard products are large (10GB+) because of the many textures (96 images per figure x number of figures) and can take a while to download. However, in your scenes, they are extremely resource-light with just one image per figure.

Product Notes

Installation Packages

Below is a list of the installation package types provided by this product. The name of each package contains a Package Qualifier, which is used as a key to indicate something about the contents of that package.

  • 10 Core 1)

Not all installation packages provide files that are displayed to the user within the interface of an application. The packages listed below, do. The application(s), and the location(s) within each application, are shown below.

Now-Crowd Billboards - Modern Sitting Crowd (Core)

  • You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
    • “Props:RiverSoft Art:Now-Crowd Billboards:Modern Sitting Crowd”
    • “Scripts:RiverSoft Art:Now-Crowd Billboards”
  • You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
    • “Documents”
    • “Props:People”
    • “Scripts”

Additional Details

Resolved Issues

  • 01/29/2020 - Flipped normals so that billboards do not show up as black from the front if the user has Backface Lighting Off

Known Issues

  • None


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The contents of these packages are in DAZ Studio Native formats