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Stage Hand - Building Set and Scene Suite
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Below is a list of files provided by the
Stage Hand - Building Set and Scene Suite
Stage Hand - Building Set and Scene Suite
Content :
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch A/AoA_Arch1.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch A/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Taper Y.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch A/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Taper Z.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch A/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Twist Left.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch A/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Twist Right.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch A/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch B/AoA_Arch2.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch B/Morphs/Age of Armour/Stage/Columns Straight.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch B/Morphs/Age of Armour/Stage/Width.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Arch B/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Backdrop/AoA_Backdrop.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Backdrop/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Chair A/AoA_Chair1.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Chair A/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Chair B/AoA_ChairB.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Chair B/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Curved Wall/AoA_WallCurved.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Curved Wall/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Cylinder Light/AoA_CylinderLight.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Cylinder Light/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Disk/AoA_Disk.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Disk/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Doorway/AoA_Doorway.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Doorway/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Arched.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Doorway/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Funnel Tent/AoA_FunnelTent.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Funnel Tent/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Grid Short/AoA_GridShort.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Grid Short/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Grid Short/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Grid Vertical/AoA_GridVertical.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Grid Vertical/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Taper.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Grid Vertical/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Grid/AoA_GridSegmented.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Grid/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Grid/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Half Tube/AoA_HalfTube.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Half Tube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend Left.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Half Tube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend Right.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Half Tube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Taper.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Half Tube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Half Tube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Twist.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Half Tube/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Lamp Dish/AoA_LampDish.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Lamp Dish/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Lamp Track/AoA_CeilingSpotlight_468.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Lamp Track/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bulb Depth.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Lamp Track/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Monitor Horizontal/AoA_MonitorHorizontal.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Monitor Horizontal/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Monitor Vertical/AoA_MonitorVertical.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Monitor Vertical/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Monitor Wall/AoA_MonitorWall.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Monitor Wall/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Curve.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Monitor Wall/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Monitor Wall/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Stage/Screens One Sheet.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/AoA_Cube.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Pinch.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Randomize.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Shear.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Soften.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Taper.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Twist 1.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Twist 2.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Twist 3.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Morphing Cube/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Round/AoA_NeonLightRound.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Round/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Height.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Round/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Return.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Round/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Round/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Width.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Round/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Square/AoA_NeonLightSquare.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Square/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Height.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Square/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Square/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Width.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light Square/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light/AoA_NeonLight.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Lenght.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Neon Light/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Left/AoA_PlatformLeft.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Left/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Base Depth.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Left/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Trim Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Left/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Right/AoA_PlatformRight.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Right/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Base Depth.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Right/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Trim Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Right/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Round/AoA_PlatformRound.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Round/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Base Depth.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Round/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Trim Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Round/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Square/AoA_PlatformSquare.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Square/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Base Depth.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Square/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Trim Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform Square/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform/AoA_Platform.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Base Depth.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Trim Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Platform/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Podium/AoA_Podium.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Podium/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Speaker B/AoA_SpeakerB.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Speaker B/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Speaker/AoA_Speaker.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Speaker/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Round/AoA_StairsRound.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Round/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Solid/AoA_StairsSolid.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Solid/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Curve.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Solid/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/SCurve.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Solid/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Taper.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Solid/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Width.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Solid/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Square/AoA_StairsSquare.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Stairs Square/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/String Light/DT-StringLight.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/String Light/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Table/AoA_Table.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Table/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Diameter.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Table/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Height.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Table/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Tube Light/AoA_TubeLight.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Tube Light/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend -180 Degrees.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Tube Light/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend -90 Degrees.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Tube Light/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend 180 Degrees.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Tube Light/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend 90 Degrees.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Tube Light/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Height.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Tube Light/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Blocks/AoA_WallBlocks.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Blocks/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Random 1.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Blocks/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Random 2.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Blocks/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Random 3.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Blocks/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Shift.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Blocks/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Slabs.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Blocks/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner B/AoA_WallCornerB.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner B/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner C/AoA_WallCornerC.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner C/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Taper.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner C/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Thickness.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner C/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Tilt.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner C/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Twist Left.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner C/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Twist Right.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner C/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner/AoA_WallCorner.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Corner/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Curved Mirrored/AoA_WallCurvedMirror_1370.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Curved Mirrored/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/AoA_WallGlassBlock.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend 180 Degrees.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend 90 Left Sweep.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Bend 90 Right Tight.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Randomize.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/Morphs/Age of Armour/Stage/Bend 180 Degrees.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/Morphs/Age of Armour/Stage/Bend 90 Left Sweep.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/Morphs/Age of Armour/Stage/Bend 90 Left Tight.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/Morphs/Age of Armour/Stage/Bend 90 Right Sweep.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/Morphs/Age of Armour/Stage/Bend 90 Right Tight.dsf
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/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Glass Block/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall of Lights/AoA_Wall_LightBulbSize.dsf
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/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall of Lights/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
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/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Vented/Morphs/Age of Armour/Base/Vanes Pitch.dsf
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/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall Vented/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall/AoA_Wall.dsf
/data/Age of Armour/Stage/Wall/UV Sets/Age of Armour/Base/default.dsf
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/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Arch A.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Arch A.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Arch B.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Arch B.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Arch B.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Backdrop.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Backdrop.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Backdrop.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Chair A.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Chair A.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Chair A.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Chair B.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Chair B.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Chair B.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Cylinder Light.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Cylinder Light.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Cylinder Light.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Disk.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Disk.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Disk.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Doorway.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Doorway.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Doorway.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Funnel Tent.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Funnel Tent.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Funnel Tent.tip.png
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/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Grid Short.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Grid Short.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Grid Vertical.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Grid Vertical.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Grid Vertical.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Grid.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Grid.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Grid.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Half Tube.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Half Tube.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Half Tube.tip.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Lamp Dish.duf
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Lamp Dish.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Lamp Dish.tip.png
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/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Lamp Track.duf.png
/Props/Age of Armour/Stage Hand/Lamp Track.tip.png
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