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Screen Size FHD


Below is an example demonstrating how you can reposition and resizes the (non-maximized) Main Window of the application to Full HD (FHD) dimensions (see Graphics Display Resolution), via script.

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// DAZ Studio version filetype DAZ Script
// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
(function( pntTopLeft, sizeDimensions, bIncludeFrame ){
	// Set the top left corner of the main window to be at a specific point on the screen
	MainWindow.pos = pntTopLeft;
	// Set the size of the main window to the desired dimensions
	MainWindow.size = sizeDimensions;
	// If we are not compensating for the frame geometry
	if( !bIncludeFrame ){
		// We are done...
	// Calculate the width of the main window without the extra window geometry
	var nWidth = MainWindow.width + (MainWindow.geometry.width - MainWindow.frameGeometry.width);
	// Calculate the height of the main window without the extra window geometry
	var nHeight = MainWindow.height + (MainWindow.geometry.height - MainWindow.frameGeometry.height);
	// Adjust the size of the main window to compensate for extra window geometry
	MainWindow.size = new Size( nWidth, nHeight );
// Finalize the function and invoke
})( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Size( 1920, 1080 ), true );