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Mark Selected Assets As New


Below is an example demonstrating how you can mark the selected assets in the Content Library pane as 'new' (untouched), via script.

API Areas of Interest


// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// Get the pane manager
	var oPaneMgr = MainWindow.getPaneMgr();
	// Find the content library pane
	var oPane = oPaneMgr.findPane( "DzContentLibraryPane" );
	// If the pane was not found
	if( !oPane ){
		// We are done...
	// Declare working variables
	var oAsset, oMeta, oInstance;
	// Get the selected assets
	var aAssets = oPane.getSelectedAssets();
	// Iterate over the selected assets
	for( var i = 0, nAssets = aAssets.length; i < nAssets; i += 1 ){
		// Get the 'current' asset
		oAsset = aAssets[ i ];
		// If the app version is or newer
		if( App.version64 >= 0x000400090000000b ){
			// Set the group identifier to the "New" group
			oAsset.groupId = -1; //0 = None, -1 = New
		// Otherwise
		} else {
			// Attempt to fall back
			try {
				// Get the metadata for the asset
				oMeta = oAsset.getMetadata();
				// Mark the item as 'new'
				oMeta.newItem = true;
				// Propagate the change
			// Handle errors
			} catch( e ){
				// Define the strings used to provide feedback
				var sTitle = qsTr("Resource Error");
				var sMessage = qsTr("A newer version of %1 is required " +
					"to execute this script.").arg( App.appName );
				var sAccept = qsTr("&OK");
				// Provide feedback to the user
				MessageBox.critical( sMessage, sTitle, sAccept );
				// We are done...
	// Get the selected container
	var oContainer = oPane.getSelectedContainer();
	// Force a redraw of the assets
	oPane.updateContainer( oContainer.getIDPath() );
// Finalize the function and invoke