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Sub Script


In build, Daz Studio was given the ability to pass an Array of arguments into a DzScript object. This allowed a script to expose remote operation of itself to other scripts, or even plugins, while also allowing the source of that script to remain protected. The type of objects that can be passed in via the arguments Array are limited to basic types; String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object, etc. Below you will find sample code for two scripts; one for a script that remotely executes another script, and one for the script being called.

API Areas of Interest

Example (Caller)

// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
	// void : A function that gets the path of the current script
	function getScriptPath()
		// Get the filename of the running script
		var sFileName = getScriptFileName();
		// Create a file info object
		var oFileInfo = new DzFileInfo( sFileName );
		// Declare a working variable
		var sPath;
		// If the version of the application provides the method
		if( typeof( oFileInfo.canonicalPath ) == "function" ){
			// Get the canonical path from the file
			sPath = oFileInfo.canonicalPath(); //requires or newer
		// If the method we prefer is not available
		} else {
			// Use the fallback to get the (absolute) path
			sPath = oFileInfo.path();
		// Clean up; do not leak memory
		// Return the path
		return sPath;
	// String : A function for retrieving a translation if one exists
	function text( sText )
		// If the version of the application supports qsTr()
		if( typeof( qsTr ) != "undefined" ){
			// Return the translated (if any) text
			return qsTr( sText );
		// Return the original text
		return sText;
	// void : A function that executes a script and passes arguments to it
	function executeScriptWithArgs( sPath, aScriptArgs )
		// Declare working variables
		var sTitle, sMessage;
		// Define common strings
		var sButton = text( "&OK" );
		// Create a script object
		var oScript = new DzScript();
		// Create a file info object
		var oFileInfo = new DzFileInfo( sPath );
		// Get the file extension
		var sExtension = oFileInfo.extension();
		// If the path does not have a file extension, attempt to find the
		// script with a supported extension; doing it this way, we can debug
		// with an ascii file and distribute a binary (encrypted) file with
		// the same name... without having to update the contents of the script
		// or manually handle the file extensions; requires or newer
		var sScriptPath = sExtension.isEmpty() ?
				oScript.getScriptFile( sPath ) : sPath;
		// Clean up; do not leak memory
		// If a script is found
		if( !sScriptPath.isEmpty() ){
			// If the script loads
			if( oScript.loadFromFile( sScriptPath ) ){
				// Execute the script; pass in an array of arguments;
				// passing in arguments requires or newer
				oScript.execute( aScriptArgs );
			// If the script doesn't load
			} else {
				// Define text variables for the message
				sTitle = text( "Read Error" );
				sMessage = text( "The '%1' file could not be loaded." ).arg( sScriptPath );
				// Inform the user
				MessageBox.information( sMessage, sTitle, sButton );
		// If a script is not found
		} else {
			// Define text variables for the message
			sTitle = text( "File Not Found" );
			sMessage = text( "A '%1.ds(a|b|e)' file could not be found." ).arg( sPath );
			// Inform the user
			MessageBox.information( sMessage, sTitle, sButton );
	// Define the path of the script we will call; without the file extension
	var sScriptPath = String( "%1/Callee_Script" ).arg( getScriptPath() );
	// Execute the symmetrize script, silently
	executeScriptWithArgs( sScriptPath, [ App.version, sScriptPath, true ] );
// Finalize the function and invoke

Example (Callee)

// Define an anonymous function;
// serves as our main loop,
// limits the scope of variables
(function( aArgs ){
	// String : A function for retrieving a translation if one exists
	function text( sText )
		// If the version of the application supports qsTr()
		if( typeof( qsTr ) != "undefined" ){
			// Return the translated (if any) text
			return qsTr( sText );
		// Return the original text
		return sText;
	// Declare working variables
	var vArg;
	var sType;
	// Initialize
	var aLines = new Array( aArgs.length );	
	// Iterate over the arguments passed to the script
	for( var i = 0, nArgs = aArgs.length; i < nArgs; i += 1 ){
		// Get the 'current' argument
		vArg = aArgs[ i ];
		// Get the 'current' type
		sType = typeof( vArg );
		// Stringify based on the type of the argument
		switch( sType ){
			case "object":
				aLines[ i ] = String("%1 : %2")
						.arg( sType )
						.arg( JSON.stringify( vArg ) );
				aLines[ i ] = String("%1 : %2")
						.arg( sType )
						.arg( vArg );
	// Define text variables for the message
	var sButton = text( "&OK" );
	var sTitle = text( "Arguments" );
	var sMessage = aLines.join( "\n" );
	// Display the message
	MessageBox.information( sMessage, sTitle, sButton );
// Finalize the function and invoke
})( getArguments() );